Title: Daur Bunyi #1 Komunitas Gubuak Kopi, Lapuak-lapuak Dikajangi #1, 2017. – Sound Art, Field Recording, City Sound – Releated page: Lapuak-lapuak Dikajangi #1
Daur Bunyi is a project of sounds documentation, initiated by Gubuak Kopi Community in 2017, through Daur Subur #2’s workshop, and presented to the public in Media Art Project – Lapuak-lapuak Dikajangi #1.
In the Daur Bunyi # 1 compilation series, Komunitas Gubuak Kopi highlights the process of identifying massive sounds and rhythms in the Solok societies. This compilation consists of 4 audio works which are part of a study on traditional music in West Sumatra, which responds to the phenomena of sound and technology that are close to them.
In exhibition/open-lab Lapuak Lapuak Dikajangi #1, 2017
Komunitas Gubuak Kopi adalah sebuah kelompok belajar seni dan media yang berbasis di Kota Solok, sejak tahun 2011. Kelompok ini berfokus pada pengembangan seni sebagai metode riset. Serta menjembatani kolaborasi profesional (seniman, peneliti, dan penulis) dan warga dalam mendedah persoalan-persoalan budaya lokal di Solok secara khusus dan Sumatera Barat secara umum.